The movie Enchanted, and the character Giselle, belong to Disney, not me--for the record.
Actor Amy Adams who plays Giselle also starred in a move about Julia Child!
Jess- I love this! First of all it is clever and creative...keep posting and I promose I will keep coming back. So excited to track your progress day by day, week by week, month by month. Just think...Happily ever after is only a year away:)
Once upon a time, there was a woman who wondered what it would be like to be a princess. Here, she explores that question as she prepares for the 2012 Disney Princess Half Marathon and finds her healthy ever-after.
Jess- I love this! First of all it is clever and creative...keep posting and I promose I will keep coming back. So excited to track your progress day by day, week by week, month by month. Just think...Happily ever after is only a year away:)
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